Women's Health Physical Therapy
treating women throughout their lifespan
Pre and post pregnancy issues
Incontinence (leakage with cough/sneeze/laugh/exercise)
Urinary frequency
Urinary urgency
Organ prolapse
Pelvic pain
Diastasis Recti
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Labor Preparation
Clinic or in-home sessions offered.
Overall conditioning
Muscle strength, endurance, & control
Range of Motion & Flexibility
Aerobic Capacity
Balance/Fall Risk
Sessions may utilize the following techniques: internal and external pelvic floor muscle assessment, biofeedback, soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, myofascial release, cupping therapy, hands on stretching, therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular re-education, and home exercise program that meets your needs.
Clinic or In-Home
(In-home appointments have a travel fee of $25 within 15 mile radius, $50 > 15 mile radius)
Initial Evaluation (60 min): $205
Follow up (60 min/30 min): $180/$90
Labor Preparation
Using biofeedback and hands-on techniques, we will work together (including your partner and birth professionals) to find the position(s) your pelvic floor muscles can relax and lengthen in. Labor prep can also include:
-Breathwork for labor
-Training for awareness of your pelvic floor for birth
-Perineal stretching
Using the HIPAA compliant Blue Jay Mobile Health app, Jen can evaluate, consult, or provide follow up physical therapy sessions.